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National Hands Network (NHN) believes that meaningfully employed, engaged and entrepreneurial people are not borne. THEY ARE MADE.

Traditional education provides little for marginalised people that fall between the cracks.

NHN provides an extra curricular solutions based learning programme offered to people in marginalised rural & regional areas. NHN delivers its tailored manufacturing programmes via their NHN TRADE YOURSELF programme. A practical skills problem solving model, assessing local issues and returning local solutions, learning and outcomes in an non intrusive collaboration with local community.

In Australia the National Hands Network harnesses natural resources, talented Australians young and old to work together to create paid work opportunities that are building up their local communities and creating jobs.

The NHN organisation drives 3000 kms each week delivering technology, educational resources and business networks that otherwise only exist in capital cities. Delivering global business tools to marginalised communities is a big part of the answer to their sustainability and also part of the solution to a bigger National economic problem, Australian Made

NHN programmes targets existing, but most importantly the next generation, addressing the toxic exodus of the brightest and best to big cities.


Social Entrepreneurs


National Hands Network 'Social Business Factory' model directly links Commercial and Social outcomes, not one without the other.

The National Hands Network TRADE YOURSELF platform delivers one of its most important initiatives, the incubation and transportation of talented individuals and startups with viable ideas into new ventures, creating new companies that can then offer local employment and paid work to others in the future.The TRADE YOURSELF platform includes a "Social Business Factory" providing commercial expertise, financial support, product development and innovative delivery to-market models. NHN 'Social Business Factory' addresses employment trends, all individuals who work with National Hands Network will be aware of obsolescence and next generation work areas, formerly disconnected communities will be fully aware of the commercial landscape of TODAY.

A Third World standard of living sadly exists in urban, rural and regional areas of Developed countries globally.  A positive way out of these compromised economic environments is to ‘TRADE OUT’. National Hands Network's focus and mentorship is reigniting cast aside human resources, talent and in some instances, abandoned physical infrastructures, in order to build new entities locally that will be valued on a global market, where direct rewards will be sent back to the local community that supported the activity.

National Hands Network is committed to supporting special workplace platforms that are required to accommodate marginalised/special needs of the unemployed and underemployed.